Petronila was born in a Czech speaking village and Alois was born in a German village. The Czech language is a difficult one to learn so it is quite extraordinary that Alois married a girl from a Czech village. Also at that time (the late 1800's), there was antagonism between the Czech and German nations.
Alois and Petronila arrived in Baltimore, Maryland on July 29, 1892. They sailed on the ship Stuttgart. According to the ship's manifest, they had $3.00. They traveled to Fulda, Minnesota, arriving there August 2, 1892.
Fulda Free Press-December 14, 1917
Death claimed another of Fulda's townsmen, when Alois Fiedler, Sr., passed away on Monday last at 2:25 P.M. Mr. Fiedler's death was the result of a severe cold contracted about a week ago, which rapidly developed into pneumonia, the end coming after an illness of less than a week.
Alois Fiedler was born in Olmutz, Austria on July 12, 1863. He was married to Miss Petronilla Anna Sboril on April 30, 1887, five years later coming to the United States and settling at Fulda, August 2, 1892.
Seven children were born to this union, three sons, Frank, Louis and Joseph, all residents of Fulda; four daughters, Mary, Theresa and Amelia, who are still at home, and Mrs. B. Moritz of Iona, all of whom were at their father's bedside at the time of his death and together with his sorrowing wife are left to mourn the loss of a faithful husband and affectionate father.
The funeral services were held Wednesday morning in the Catholic Church, of which Mr. Fiedler was a consistent member, Rev. J.N. Bartholome officiating, interment being made in St. Gabriel's Cemetery.
Mr. Fiedler was a member of the local M.W.A. lodge, a good citizen and neighbor, and the Fulda Free Press extends its sympathy to the bereaved family.
Murray County Herald
April 9, 1931
After an illness of about three weeks, Mrs. Petronilla Fiedler passes away at her home Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Fiedler's health has not been good for several years, although she continued about her regular duties and spent a few weeks at a time with different ones of her children, assisting whenever any one had need of her and in all the homes a welcome guest.
She was taken seriously ill about three weeks ago and had several sinking spells when the watchers at her bedside thought she would not survive the night, but each time she rallied until her condition again became grave the first of the week, and death came as above stated.
Mrs. Fiedler was born in Olmutz, Austria, May 21, 1861. In 1887, she was married to Alois Fiedler, and five years later accompanied by two small sons, Frank and Louis, came to the United States. Five other children were born to them, Joseph J. of Fulda; Mrs. Anna Moritz of Iona; Mrs. Mary Lynch of Fulda; Mrs. Theresa Johlfs and Mrs. Amelia Techau of Marshall. There are fifteen grandchildren. Mr. Fiedler preceded her in death, dying December 10, 1918.
Mrs. Fiedler was a faithful, consistent member of the Catholic Church and was a member of the R.N.A. Lodge. She was a loving mother, a kind friend and will be sadly missed in her home and among her friends.
Funeral services were conducted Thursday morning at St. Gabriel's Church by Reverand Father Meyer. The pallbearers were John Plut, John Wisdorf, J.P. Durnam, J.W. Woolstencroft and T.J. Breen. Interment was made in St. Gabriel's cemetery.